There are different types of granites, different hardness of each granite and a lot of different colors. In addition, there are different surface finishes like polished, brushed, honed or leathered. There are also dozen of different granite sealers on the market.
Every piece of granite is different based on color, hardness, and pattern. One sealant or method of stain removal may work on one stone and not on another. Before applying any cleaning solutions on granite it is recommend to test it for discoloration of the granite. Test a tiny area of your countertop first.
These are some tips on removing stains from granite:
To remove oil or grease from granite use Oil Stain Remover made by DuPont StoneTech Professional. Apply as directed a layer of the paste that will remove oil stains. From our experience this is the best oil remover from granite.
Acetone remove many stains including ink. Use a paper towel folded several times and soak with acetone, cover with plastic and then tape this over the stain so that it does not dry out. Leave it overnight.
To remove rust, wine, juice and other stains use Greased Lightning stain remover made by Home Care Labs. Apply the cleaner on a dish cloth and rub the stain and soak the cloth, cover with plastic and leave it overnight.
Using a blowtorch, gently playing the flame over the stain can remove it. Do not overheat the stone because it may crack.

Countertops Maintenance Service
Whether you need to clean and seal your stone countertops or fix a chip, we are here to take care of your countertops.
To remove red wine stain mix OxiClean and a little bit of water, brush the stain with a toothbrush and leave it to dry for several hours. Repeat this twice.
Using a blowtorch, gently playing the flame over the stain can remove it. Do not overheat the stone because it may crack.
Mixture of acetone and baking soda (toothpaste like consistency), spread on stain, cover with plastic wrap and tape down. Leave the paste on the stain for about 3 hours or until the powder is dry. Wipe away powder and wash with water, at first there might be a stain on countertop but it will lighten.
Sprinkle some cornstarch on the cleaned, dry surface, covering the stain completely. Let it sit overnight/ 24hrs.
Thickly layer dry baking powder on top of the stain, cover with plastic wrap. Keep a hot towel over it for several hours.
Ammonia mixed into a paste with chalk or corn or rice flour. Cover stain with paste overlapping about an inch, then cover with plastic wrap and tape down.
Put Shout gel on a Q-tip and massage the oil stain, wipe off with wet towel. Make sure to be careful while applying Shout on the stone because discoloration to the surrounding area can occur.
Apply 50% bleach to 50% water in a poultice powder, mix together until it is a damp mud consistency. Set on the stain cover with plastic. 24 hours later pull off the plastic wipe clean and let it dry for a day.
Rub dry baby powder with a dry dish cloth.
Mix one cup of unbleached flour with three table spoons of Blue Dawn dishwashing liquid and water. Add water to the consistency of yogurt. Apply as poultice to countertop approximately ¼ inch. Cover with plastic and allow to sit overnight or longer. Wash off poultice.
We don’t endorse any stain removal method and we can not be held responsible for any problems that may arise resulting from advice taken.
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