Breccia Marble: This kind of marble is very popular with a wide variety of colors. This type of marble is formed out of landslides, by mud flows, submarine debris flows or avalanches.
When the tiles are installed on floors or walls, we get an aesthetically appealing design. Its patterns are so unique that stain or any other kind of marks will not be noticed. It is popular mainly because of its fantastic depth, color variations and texture.
Limestone is a type of porous beige marble. A good option for basements, bathrooms or walkways. Limestone is a softer stone and it is susceptible to chipping and cracking.
Italian Marble or Carrara Marble: this type of marble is actually generated from a place in Italy called Carrara and so this type of marble is called Carrara marble. This kind of marble usually does not come with a rich color variation like Breccia marble. The color ranges from white to greyish shades and mainly has a monochrome look with little intrinsic designs or patterns in it. Sometimes bluish undertones are also found in this marble. Most of the European monuments that were made in ancient Greece and Rome have been carved out of this marble. This marble is the world’s most expensive marble due to the high demand for it.
Cultured Marble: An option to the natural marble are man made tiles resembling marble. This kind of tiles are carved out of a mixture of marble dust, cement and fiberglass resin. They are quite cost effective. There are many options when choosing these tiles as you can have your custom made color and a variety of textures to choose from. It is easier to maintain and not prone to staining. It will crack and chip but is also easier to replace.
Marble is a natural stone tiles are always in demand for flooring and walls. It is also the choice for kitchens, bathrooms and commercial buildings.